ICTO had organized training classes for UM staff members from September to November, 2015. These training classes included Microsoft Office 2013, Outlook 2013, Access 2013 and SharePoint 2013.
All the training classes were conducted by Microsoft certified trainers. We have received an overwhelming response and a large number of staff members attended the training classes.
In Microsoft Office 2013 and Access 2013 training classes, the trainers presented the basic functions and features of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access, the differences between the 2013 version and the previous versions, and how to use them to facilitate the daily operation.
Moreover, as the staff email system used by our staff has been changing from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Outlook 2013 and users expressed that they are not familiar with it, three training classes were held to let our users know more about it. During the training, the trainer introduced the features of Outlook 2013, how to set the general preferences, and how to use Outlook to do the normal practices which our colleagues usually perform in Lotus Notes. Many colleagues proactively asked questions during the classes.
In order to assist departments to migrate their existing document library from Lotus Notes into the new ShareDM (SharePoint 2013), the “Site Administrator” from the departments have joined our training and hands-on workshops, in which they have learnt the features and grained the basic knowledge and skills to perform the administrative tasks on their departmental site.
We will continue to provide various training to staff in order to enrich colleagues’ knowledge on various office applications. Regarding upcoming training information, please pay attention to our announcement in E-bulletin Board.
There are some snapshots of the training: