ISSUE 9 ♦ Sep 2017

Introducing Information and Communication Technology Office
Nowadays, information technology has become an essential part of education. ICTO’s teams with 76 staff members are working hard behind the scene, playing the role of developing and supporting the smart campus management systems, computing facilities for academic teaching and learning, information systems for the University administration and information technology infrastructure of the University.
ICTO Launched the IT Service Management System for Staff
To enhance efficiency and provide better IT services to UM members, ICTO has established an IT Service Management System based on the worldwide IT Service Best Practices (ITIL) to manage our IT services. Now, staff can access the system [...]
ICTO Launched the “RMS File Protection Service”
ICTO has deployed the new RMS File Protection Service for staff members to secure MS Office documents on Windows or MacOS. By default, the RMS File Protection Service is enabled on computers provided by ICTO. What is it about? [...]
Updates of Administrative Applications
IMS develops and maintains several administrative information systems to serve the UM community and to support different functions of the faculties and departments. The following shows the summary of critical updates of the core administrative information systems in the [...]
IT Security Seminar-How to Safeguard from Ransomware
To raise the awareness among UM students and staff members’ about Ransomware, ICTO organised a seminar named “How to Safeguard from Ransomware?” Seminar was organised on 30 August, 2017 at E4-G051 of Anthony Lau Building. Seminar was conducted by [...]
New Student Orientation Update
To welcome new students and introduce the IT facilities and services, some briefing sessions were organised by ICTO. ICTO Services & Facilities Briefing to PG Students ICTO provided four detailed introductory sessions to PG freshmen. These sessions were [...]
Notebook Ownership Program 2017
“Notebook Ownership Program 2017” is jointly organized by UMPA, UMSU, SAO and ICTO, held at UM Campus. It was aimed to promote mobile computing and vendors offered notebook computer and other products at a discounted price to UM students [...]
JUCC Joint IT Workshop
JUCC Joint IT workshop is an annual event of Joint Universities Computer Centre (JUCC) for Information Technology sharing and discussion among JUCC members. University of Macau is one of the affiliate member of JUCC. The JUCC workshop was held on [...]
Visit of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines
On 29 June 2017, a delegate led by Prof. Alberto C. Guillo, Vice President for Administration (third from the left, back row), from the Polytechnic University of The Philippines visited ICTO. During the exchange session, ICTO introduced the deployment [...]
Visit from Nanjing University
ICTO received the delegation from the Office of Informatization, Nanjing University on 8 August, 2017. This event, organized as part of an exchange between the Nanjing University and the University of Macau to enhancing sharing and to discuss on campus [...]
Introduction of UMPASS
PC LAN account is widely used to login to different computing services, in order to have a more precise name, the “PC LAN” is renamed to “UMPASS” in July 2017. UMPASS allows you to login to various services and [...]
Get Your Mac Connected to the University IT Services (For Staff)
If you are a Mac user, you need to know your identity – UMPASS for authenticating yourself to the University IT services, you need to know how to get connected to the University campus network through either wireless or [...]
Student’s Lifelong Email Service – UM@Connect
In August 2015, ICTO launched the Student’s Lifelong Email Service, UM@Connect. It aims to increase student’s sense of belonging as UM members and to increase the usage of official UM email account for communication. Up to now, over 7,000 [...]
Quick Print Using MobilePrint & WebPrint Services
ICTO provides Follow-You Printing Service to students. Students can print documents with computers in all ICTO computer rooms, fast access computers and notebook computers issued on loan. In addition to these methods, students can also use MobilePrint and WebPrint [...]
Conducting Video Conferencing with Zoom
Zoom is an online video conferencing service provided at the University. It enables our staff and students to have high-quality face to face and interactive meeting with their remote partners. It provides you with new teaching and learning experience through [...]
Tips to Prevent Phishing Attacks
The recent cyber-attacks are becoming more fierce and sophisticated. We keep receiving phishing emails. Some phishing emails masqueraded themselves as good as legitimate emails and are targeted at our users. Please always beware of these phishing emails and do [...]
Tips for Using Staff Email Service Effectively
Receiving and Sending Email Beware of spam and phishing emails Be cautious when an email asks you to provide personal or financial details, even if the message appears to come from a trusted source. Please DO NOT RESPOND to [...]
Tips for Using UM Wireless LAN Service
Welcome to the new academic year! Knowing that the wireless network is essential to all UM members, we would like to introduce the UM Wireless LAN service and its connection methods. UM wireless LAN is covering around 80% of [...]