
ISSUE 9  Sep 2017

Focus Topic

Introducing Information and Communication Technology Office

Nowadays, information technology has become an essential part of education. ICTO’s teams with 76 staff members are working hard behind the scene, playing the role of developing and supporting the smart campus management systems, computing facilities for academic teaching and learning, information systems for the University administration and information technology infrastructure of the University.


Service Updates


JUCC Joint IT Workshop

JUCC Joint IT workshop is an annual event of Joint Universities Computer Centre (JUCC) for Information Technology sharing and discussion among JUCC members. University of Macau is one of the affiliate member of JUCC. The JUCC workshop was held on [...]

Introduction of ICTO Services

Introduction of UMPASS

PC LAN account is widely used to login to different computing services, in order to have a more precise name, the “PC LAN” is renamed to “UMPASS” in July 2017. UMPASS allows you to login to various services and [...]