ISSUE 8 ♦ Jun 2017

Academic Computing Facilities Usage Survey Results
ICTO conducted a survey to assess the usage of ICTO Academic Computing Facilities by students and academic staff. Survey was conducted from 27 February to 10 March 2017. Data collected in the survey will serve as a reference for our continuous improvement projects.
6 Additional Outdoor Wireless Access Points are in Use
To enhance the signal coverage for outdoor areas, ICTO has installed 6 additional Outdoor Wireless Access Points on Campus in May, 2017. 6 Outdoor Access Points are installed at the following locations: Campus bus stops at E4, S3 and [...]
Updates on UM Campus Core Network Upgrade
Background The last core network upgrade was carried out between 2013 and 2014 when we moved to the HengQin Campus. The campus network core switches act as one of our critical network equipment. Network core switches were acquired during the [...]
Update of Annual Drill on Critical Systems and Campus Network
ICTO conducts an annual drill during summer recess every year. The purpose of conducting annual drill is to ensure the contingency plans are workable for maintaining the continuous operation of critical computing systems and campus network in the event of [...]
LimeSurvey will Phase Out
LimeSurvey service will come to end on 1st July 2017. From now until the end of June, administrative staff users can login to the LimeSurvey and download printable version of survey forms for their record. We would like to thank [...]
Comprehensive Search Feature of UM Websites
To improve the searching experience in all UM Websites, ICTO has adopted the “Google Custom Search” service and rollout the “UM Website Search” feature from February this year. This feature allows users to search for the results (contents) in entire [...]
Electronic Payment Service – 17 Campus Kiosks to use MACAUpass and UnionPay QuickPass Terminal
For students’ convenience and in line with the implantation of electronic payment service, MACAUpass and UnionPay QuickPass terminal have been deployed at 17 Campus Kiosks. Students can purchase Printing Quota and renew the Student Parking Monthly Pass using the [...]
Firefox (Latest Version) Does Not Support Java Applets, Oracle 10g Form and Discoverer Plus
The NPAPI plugins are not supported on Firefox 52 (released March 2017), which means Firefox 52 WILL NOT be able to run Java Applets, such as Oracle Web Form (10g), Oracle Discoverer Plus, etc, on the latest version of Mozilla [...]
Restore Files and Folders on Network Drive
Do you know about the feature of "Previous Version"? "Previous Version" is a self-service tool to restore files and folder on network drive when original ones are lost, damaged, or deleted. Even if files are encrypted by Ransomware, users can [...]
Single Sign On to Access Administrative Web Applications
Recently we have completed integrating the authentication of our administration web applications to UMPASS. This means that you can use the same login (UMPASS) for signing in more applications. UMPASS reduces the use of two different passwords “Oracle Password” [...]
ICTO Brings in the APNIC IPv6 Deployment Workshop to Macao Community
On 26-28 April 2017, the University sponsored the APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Centre) on Internet Resource Management and IPv6 Deployment workshop on campus. Members of Macao’s community including universities and government departments were invited to join. APNIC is [...]
The 3rd Student User Focus Group (SUFG) Meeting for Academic Year 2016/2017
On 19 April 2017, the 3rd SUFG meeting was held for Academic Year 2016/2017. In the meeting, ICTO staff shared the following information with student representatives: Launch of 7th issue of ICTO Newsletter Introduction to comprehensive search features of [...]
WebCMS Workshop
HRS and ICTO coordinated to hold 4 training sessions of WebCMS for UM staff members in March, 2017 and there are totally 100 staff members attended. In the training sessions, we demonstrated the most common operations and elements of [...]
Wireless Display and Screen Mirroring Technology
These days, users who use multimedia devices such as mobile phone, iPad, laptop or other portable devices have a common concern that the screen size is not large enough. In order to project the screen or application to a [...]
Please Pay Attention to the Security of Your Password
All UM members have the responsibility to protect their computer account password, and SHOULD NOT DISCLOSE to others. ICTO strongly recommends you to secure your password with the following methods: Change Initial Password Once you have received the initial password, please change [...]
Using Staff Email Archive Service
As announced earlier, ICTO has enabled the Email Archive Service for all staff mailboxes in February, 2017 to facilitate the effective use of email service and email storage. If an email is older than 1 year, it will be automatically [...]