ICTO has organized the following briefing, workshop and meetings from October 2022 to January 2023.
The 2nd AITSAG meeting for Academic Year 2022/2023 was held on 17 January 2023.
In the meeting, ICTO’s representatives shared the following topics and responded to the enquiries from AITSAG members:
- Introduce the Macau cyber security law, security services and training
- Upgrade of internet and campus network
- Notebook replacement for academic staff
- Introduce the new e-Bulletin system
- Computer room AV system replacement
For more details about the AITSAG, please refer to
The 1st IETC meeting for Academic Year 2022/2023 was held on 5 December 2022.
In the meeting, LIB’s representatives and ICTO’s representatives shared the following topics:
- Collect User Feedback of Scholars Page and Academic Staff Portfolio System
- Upgrade Schedule of Computer Rooms
- Update of High Performance Computing Cluster
- Setup of new RStudio Service
- Update of Campus Network
- Update of Zoom
- Trial of Extend Support Hours
- Information Security Tasks
IETC members provided comments and suggestions, the requests and suggestions collected in the meeting will be taken into consideration and action.
The new e-bulletin board will be officially launched on 9 January 2023, and the existing application on Lotus Notes will no longer be used. The new system provides more features such as issuing bulletin boards through web browsers, mobile support, draft save, schedule posts, etc.
ICTO organized two sessions of the Workshop “Introduction to the new e-bulletin system release in 2023” on 30 November 2022. A total of 100 colleagues attended the workshop.
For details, please refer to the bulletin.
Student User Focus Group (SUFG) Meetings for Academic Year 2022/2023 were held on 12 October 2022 and 11 January 2023.
In the meetings, ICTO’s representatives shared the following information with students:
- Introduction of IT Services & Facilities Available to Students
- Academic Computer Facilities Updates
- Termination of UNIX System Service
- Campus Network Updates and Tips
- Information Security Updates and Tips
- Extension of Support Hours of ICTO Help Desk
- Launch of New Bulletin System
- SMTP Service Restricted for Campus Network Access Only
- Zoom Subscription Plan in 2023
Student representatives provided feedback on using wireless service. ICTO staff provided instant responses and followed up on the mentioned issues.
For further details about the SUFG meeting, please refer to
To let users understand more about the knowledge of Internet security in intelligent living, and how to protect data in electronic products, ICTO arranged two sessions of an Information Security Webinar on 12 October 2022.
- Data Security
- Mobile Security
- Password Security
- Preventing Phishing
- Preventing False Messages or News
The Archived Webinar: English / Chinese Version