UM App is a one-stop mobile application designed to provide staff, students, alumni and public with convenient access to various UM services using their smartphones or tablets. We launched several new services recently on UM App which include:

UM Monthly Parking Pass Application System This service allows staff and students to apply UM Monthly Parking Pass and settle the monthly parking fee. For details, please visit webpage of CMDO-SFS.
Section List * This service allows academic staff to view enrolment list(s), assign UMMoodle course(s) and generate QR code at the end of the semester for students to fill out the Student Feedback Questionnaire (SFQ).
PhD E-leave Application System This service allows designated PhD students to apply for leave online and corresponding supervisors to approve the leave applications.
UM Library rooms booking system This service allows staff and students to reserve Library rooms.  For details, please visit webpage of Library.

* Service available to academic staff only

You can search University of Macau in App Store or Google Play to download and install the UM App.
