ISSUE 26 ♦ Aug 2023
IT Services and Facilities Available to You
Welcome to the University of Macau! As a new member, do you know what IT services and facilities offered by ICTO that you are going to use? Here we would like to introduce various channels where you can get information easily
Use of New Technology: ICTO Implements New All-Flash Storage System and Green IT Data Center
With the increasing demand for online teaching activities and the significant growth of utilization of administrative information systems, the data storage demands have grown exponentially while the legacy storage systems could no longer meet the demands. To address this [...]
Result of User Satisfaction Survey on ICTO Services in Academic Year 2022/2023
ICTO has conducted the annual survey during 11 April to 2 May, 2023 to access the degree of user satisfaction on using the information and communication technology services provided by ICTO. A total of 14,350 email invitations were sent [...]
Potential Security Risks in Office Environment
In any office environment, the security of sensitive information is of utmost importance. However, there are potential security risks that can threaten the confidentiality and integrity of this information. This article will discuss some of the common security risks [...]
SSL VPN Upgrade and Integration with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
ICTO has performed a security upgrade on the SSL VPN system. This Security upgrade improves the security of the client side and the system. After the upgrade, the computer client was changed to Ivanti Secure Access Client. To improve [...]
Upgrade of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) at Primary Data Center
ICTO replaced the UPS for the primary data center with the new modular UPS this summer, while the old UPS has been in use for nearly 10 years. New UPS uses lithium iron phosphate batteries, which provide 120 minutes [...]
Wireless Network Upgrade & Internet Bandwidth Tune-up
The improvement of WiFi service in Staff Quarter (SQ) is completed. The signal in the apartments of all SQ buildings has been significantly improved. In the meantime, a number of additional access points (as green access points on the [...]
Student One-stop Checkout Application
The student online one-stop check-out system was launched in August 2023 to streamline the overall check-out process. Students may submit their applications through (myUM -> Check-out Progress), so they no longer need to go to different departments one-by-one with [...]
Event and Training Updates
To make students get familiar with the facilities and services provided by ICTO, promotional booths are set up at Student Activity Centre, Learning Commons Service Counter, Residential Colleges and Postgraduate House areas during Aug to Sept 2023. Location Date [...]
Macao Public Holidays List 2024 and University Almanac 2023/2024 are ready for import to Outlook Calendar
ICTO has prepared the Macao Public Holidays List 2024 and UM Almanac 2023/2024, you can refer to the ICTO Knowledge Base to import them to your Outlook calendar from now on. How can I import Macao Public Holidays and UM Almanac to [...]